该公司制作贝里昂斯的身体塑身美体内衣艾维·朴居为Topshop的过气控使用血汗工厂的工人只支付£4.80($ 2.01)的日子。根据太阳在周日,反奴役国际的活动家雅库布·索比克表示:“凭借什么被白在这里描述的,这是血汗工厂奴役形式...等公司的Topshop,有责任找出是否论文的事情正在发生,它很久以来,这些公司的道德检查失败了。“


时下,一位不愿透露姓名的女裁缝在线性感的衣服从MAS控股-魁员工74000名工人,妇女EM的70% -驳回贝里昂斯的说法。他的衣服行列赋予妇女权利。她说:“当谈到女性和赋权时,他们只是为了外国人。

贝里昂斯,加上大小塑身衣滑 34日前表示,她希望她的艾维·朴健身房齿轮载体,激励女性而Topshop的要求是“通过体育赋予妇女权力。” 上个月,Beyonce在伦敦的Topshop旗舰店牛津街店预览。

She said: "My goal with Ivy Park is to push the boundaries of ­athletic wear and to support and inspire women who understand that beauty is more than your physical appearance. True beauty is in the health of our minds, hearts and bodies."

"I know that when I feel physically strong, I am mentally strong and I wanted to create a brand that made other women feel the same way."

The Sun on Sunday claim that the workers, who are mostly young women, work more than 60 hours a week to make ends meet.

According to the Mirror, a Topshop spokesperson defended the "ethical trading programme" used for Queen Bey's new range. She told the newspaper: "Ivy Park has a rigorous ethical trading programme."


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